Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Change in Marital Status

Marriage - "A sharp turn in your life, only the best driver with control (maturity), judgment (right decision at the right time) and vision (attention, importance to each other) can take it smoothly without damaging (compromising himself/herself much) it" .... by Vinay Solanki.

Most youngster, eligible bachelors, those in the courtship period and the one's on the verge of getting married are worried how for the heaven sake I will be able to manage this change in my life? Jackson Brown says "marry the right person, this one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery" but I totally disagree. I think no person can be right or wrong for you, only the best you can do is judge the cosmetic points like looks, hobbies, common interest, intelligence, etc. But unless you start living with someone you can never know 100% how compatible you are. No marriage is perfect, you need loads of efforts to make it perfect. However as per me best marital relationships are the one with little sweet quarrel's, lot of romance and love, trust (most critical), respect for each other and freedom. There is no right age to get married, if you think you have found the right person and you are mature enough to handle then go ahead.

Change of marital status from single to married brings with it lots of responsibilities, expenses, stability, maturity (over the period of time of course). You need to be very very good listener, observer and motivator to keep the FLAME of marriage always burning red and flamboyant. To maintain the spice in it keep putting hot sauce (passion), red chili (attraction), garam masala (fun n laughter).

Successful marriage is like a bond between two metals, each metal have to be moulded a bit, each metal's shape and size is changed a bit in order to make an alloy which is then becomes inseparable.

So go ahead and face the challenge with your partner and enjoy !!


Harsha Shastry said...

not surprised to see that your blogs on marriage!! keep on rolling Mr. & Mrs. Solanki...

Anonymous said...

i am ready for change - now go and find a girl for me

Anonymous said...

hey vinay, lovely article abt marriage yaar, kya baat hai u said very correct keep ur marriage alive with hot sauce, red chilli and garam masala. thanks for the tips. good work keep it up!!!!!!!!!!
kajal here