Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Change, change, change.....

I am not asking for a change of $20 bill but just conveying or trying to reiterate a very popular belief 'the only constant in life , in this world, on this earth and in the entire universe is Change'.

You may wonder why in the first place I am talking about change, common we all know about it so well but still none of us are capable to manage change most effectively, efficiently or positively. Change is so pervasive and fundamental, change is thought provoking, it provokes many form of anxious attention from each of us. Change is threatening, enticing, puzzling, the very stuff of life, change is Invigorating.
Change is invigorating (energizing), hmmm....why it is energizing?... a new home - change of location, change of job, change of love, change of weather, change of surroundings, change of guards at the border, change of government policies, change of dress, change of course, change of technology, change of partners, change of relationships....change of any kind brings with it a form of energy (positive or negative)....change is always invigorating. Change is the very stuff of life without it we would not be who we are or where we are or what we are doing?....

Change is not an issue, it is the management of change which is difficult and most critical to any one's success. Survival of the fittest (only the best will last) - only 'the one' who can adapt to change will exist till eternity. It brings us out of our comfort zone, asking us to do something in a different manner, sometime altogether in a new way and most of the time somewhat unknown. Change leads us to new journey, on a new unknown path, in a black hole and we don't know when we will see ray of light/hope. There is always light after dark, happiness after moment of sadness, smile after a cry, new after old similarly change is always for good (In India we say 'jo hota hai acche ke liye hota') and I believe this very strongly.

Those eager to capitalize on new opportunities or those who want to achieve success in shorter span of time change frequently and at a faster pace then others. Change brings me and many others like me to a foreign land for higher studies and with a hope to get higher paying job, earn quick bucks, many stay back and make this as homeland whereas some go back to their homeland to be close to family and friends but ultimately all this process involves so much change, changing place, change in body chemistry to adapt to new environment and weather, change of friends, change of timezone and many more.

Change..."more coming soon"


Prakash said...

Not bad chinoy dada !! too much "CHANGE" in the post - but hey, whatever makes you happy ! as they say - "Change is the only constant !!!"

Anonymous said...

oh please ! not u also...
enough of 'Change' from Obama and Hillary... I was already wondering how to ban this word..and here u also start with it...

Anonymous said...

Its cool that even You can write..!

jitesh said...

I agree , change is both exciting and essential, both, for keeping things interesting in life and for one to grow.

Here is a question for you. How do you think one should prepare for change? (yes, a change that you know, is coming soon)

Vinay Solanki said...

Yes I understand what change is coming up for you and many other eligible bachelors.

Next post: 'Change of Marital Status' coming soooon

Cauvery said...

quite funny that I just stumbled upon "survival of the fittest" -in your article ...when co-incidentally, I've been reading "Fooled by randomness" that begs to differ and calls it just 'luck' - makes an intersting read.