Friday, December 26, 2008

Journey from Web 1.0 tooooo Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0 ?.....

Even before I think about Web 2.0, a term which we often here now-a-days I wonder what was Web 1.0 ? Is it everything we know about web or internet before the term Web 2.0 came into existence. Is it Google that revolutionized the web with its extensive use of collaboration technology or widely designed rich internet applications that seamlessly allowed users to share information. Is Web 1.0 just about static pages with information which could not be shared intelligently and in a secured and stable way ?

Can we assume Web 1.0 is web without blogs, wikis, folksonomies, ajax, flash, rich internet applications (RIA), high speed data sharing (broadband) means web where information was available everywhere but not readily accessible to the users. Where individuals were not team players but standalone entities trying to win over the rest.

Analogy comes to my mind correct me if does not appeal.........

Web 1.0 is like a project in a stage where people do not have good team work abilities, they all are individual contributors and say each of them excellent on their own but when they come together cannot collaborate well. Where as Web 2.0 is like a project moving from the unit test stage to integration testing mode where all components so seamlessly and magically integrates with each other that ultimately gives rise to a single product provide best user experience.

Web 2.0 gave birth to enhanced social networking sites (facebook, myspace, orkut), high speed and high quality video sharing (youtube), content management (wikis), personal experience sharing (blogs like mine :-)). Basically this new age of internet helped all of us come closer electronically (are we losing the human touch here ?). It introduced a revolutionized concept of networking where people sitting even next to each other in the office cubicle could be talking via IM or facebook wall.

Web 2.0 in a lay mans term is nothing but intelligent web, a web with semantic (meaning) to it not just content. Semantic web is one of the most researched fields now a days where you attach a metadata with every data in order to organize/categorize it. Its like a book shelf where in order to put the right book in the right category you need to read the books topic and some of its content or simply say the name. I myself did a MS project on RDF (Resource Description Framework) which is a framework that talks about conceptual description or modeling information by attaching some syntactic and semantic meanings to it. You build a tree of resources with every node having a meta data to describe about its contents.

Now a days at work people often talk about adopting ajax, flash, mash ups and other technological concepts to make the internal or external web sites more appealing to the user. A conventional user of the internet or the internal applications gets very excited when you show them the power and speed of using ajax (of not refreshing the form) and reducing the response time. Auto completes or type-aheads are used extensively thought for faster content search, DOM tree in the browser are manipulated real time with one component or node state could change or update others in the tree. Many tools, javascript libraries, frameworks, IDE are getting available to the developers to easily integrate rich html components into thier applications.

Disclaimer: Using this posts I just wanted to mention about Web 2.0 in brief with a simple analogy, those interested in the details can use the resources below.

1. Wiki link to Web 2.0 definition
2. Web 1.0 - Lets define it anyways
3. Web 2.0 conference
4. Excellent Web 2.0 workgroup

1 comment:

Abhi said...

I can relate to the analogy you mention here.