Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bhopal Gas Tragedy - 1984 India

Cost of poor security measures = 17,000 dead & nearly 400,000 affected

24 years have past since one of the most deadliest tragedy's hit the human race affecting millions & leaving tens of thousands widow, orphan, and poor. People are still dying or suffering from the after effects of this disaster which took place on Dec 3rd 1984 early morning hours.

Recently watching a documentary on an American TV channel moved me, my heart & my soul by looking at the sufferings my fellow Indians have weathered. I am writing this post not to reiterate of what many theories, articles, statements and research have stated but just to send a reminder as simple as a Microsoft Outlook calendar reminder to the readers that if in any way we can help the cause to relieve the pain of the people. At least we should be aware of what happened that time and appreciate the social activists sincerely running around the world to identify what was root cause of this genetic disorders still prevalent in the population of Bhopal, India.

The Tragedy

Imagine early morning 1 AM when all might be sleeping peacefully in their homes in order to regain energy for work day ahead, a poor boy might be dreaming of making it big, common man might be thinking how to satisfy ever growing need for money in the family, young girl might be thinking what to wear for the movie tomorrow and mother thinking what should I cook for lunch tomorrow?. Plethora of thoughts, dreams and peace were shattered when a poisonous gas (40 tonnes of Methyl Isocyanate) from Union Carbide's (UCIL) pesticide plant was released into the air killing 2000 in matter of minutes. "A series of studies made five years later showed that many of the survivors were still suffering from one or several of the following ailments: partial or complete blindness, gastrointestinal disorders, impaired immune systems, post traumatic stress disorders, and menstrual problems in women. A rise in spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and offspring with genetic defects was also noted." (The Bhopal Disaster)

Time line of the event (Wikipedia)

At the plant
21.00 Water cleaning of pipes start.
22.00 Water enters 610. Reaction starts.
22.30 Gases coming out from the VGS-tower.
00.30 The large siren sounds and is turned off.
00.50 The siren is heard within the plant area, workers escape.

22.30 First sensations. Suffocation, cough,vomiting.
1.00 Police alerted. People escaped.
2.00 First people reached Hamidia hospital. Half blind, gasping for air.
2.10 The alarm was heard.
4.00 The gases reduced.
6.00 The police's loudspeaker: "Everything is normal".

Morning: Thousands of dead bodies and hundreds of dead cattle lying on the streets.

Few questions still not answered :

How corruption blocked $417 million paid by Union Carbide as a settlement claim to reach the common man (25,000 INR per person equivalent to $500 was only paid at that time) ?

What kind of research is still going in Canada, USA and India to identify nature of Methyl Isocyanate which lead to genetic disorder ?

References below for more detail
Rediff's page on 20th anniversary of the tragedy
Full details on the disaster WIKIPEDIA
Bhopal Gas Tragedy: An Analysis
Bhopal Disaster
Bhopal gas tragedy lives on
Bhopal Picture
Towards Freedom
Excellent Presentation on Bhopal Tragedy